Monday, October 12, 2009

Life After Great Bay

At some point or another our time at Great Bay is going to end. For some of us that’s in the near future, while others have just began their journey. Either way we need to know what direction we’re heading in for the future. For those of us continuing on and furthering our education it’s hard to know what is the best decision to make. Knowing which credits are transferable is important and will help students choose the right classes for their future. It would be frustrating to find out, after all the hard work has been done for a class, that the credit isn’t transferable. This would mean retaking the course at a different College or University, or a similar class that fits into the schools curriculum. Fortunately for us, in addition to Erica Brown (the "go to" person for transfer information) there is a website that will allow you to see where your Great Bay credits will transfer to most NH Colleges and Universities. It’s a great tool to help in making your decision about where you want to go when you're ready to transfer or when you’ve received your Great Bay degree. Check out the website to see all it has to offer .