Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Online? In- Class? Hybrid?

The Business Department at Great Bay Community College offers its students a wide range of classes available at various times throughout the week. Perhaps the most convenient type of class is those that are offered online.
Online classes are great for students who feel that they have enough self-discipline to learn in their spare time. They allow the student to do all the work at home, sparing the student trouble of driving to the school, and saving money on gas. Also, the student can do the work at anytime during the week when they finally get a chance to accomplish it.
Although the on-line environment is very convenient, they can pose many problems. When participating in an online class, the student is basically just reading the book, doing the homework, and posting to the discussion board when it is required. The material can be dry and mundane if the subject is not of interest to the student. Online classes require independent work with minimal interactions with your teachers and classmates compared to an in-class environment. If you are a student who can learn in this setting, then this is not a problem for you.
I am a person who likes to get to know my class mates and I have trouble interacting with people in my online classes because I don’t know them. I cannot get a good impression of them and I fear that they don’t get the right impression of me, because for me it is difficult to show your personality through online conversations. Another problem for me, is that it is very easy to get sidetracked and forget about doing the homework assigned and I missed due dates. This became very problematic.
A perfect compromise between online and regular classes is hybrid classes. Hybrid classes meet once a week for an hour and fifteen minutes and then the students do the rest of the work online. This gives the student the opportunity to get to know your classmates so that you can feel comfortable interacting with them online. Hybrid classes also allot plenty of convenience and it adds a little spice to the reading because you get to hear your teacher’s opinions and stories on the subject that you read about in the book.
There are many things to consider when you are choosing your classes every semester. Hopefully this information gives you a little bit of insight into which type of class is the right kind for you.