Sunday, October 18, 2009

What a Stud

On October 7, 2009, the Vet Tech Club and the Kappa Beta Delta organized a presentation regarding training guide dogs. Great Bay's own Professor Dan Murphy has been training Sebastian, an 18 month old yellow lab for the Guiding Eyes Organization.

Sebastian is a stud. He is just about ready to be given back to the program so he can begin work. Throughout the presentation Professor Murphy demonstrated how Sebastian was and is currently trained. He fed Sebastian cooked chicken and constantly gave him positive reinforcement. Prof. Murphy informed us that when trainin
g a dog, you always want to be positive and never reprimand or punish the dog.

Here were some of the commands that Sebastian knows and some no-no's when you see a guide dog in uniform:

- right at side

- touching leg

Stand - Sit - Down - comes to owners' side, sits, and then lays down
- dog will come

Place - will sit or lay anywhere that owner wants
- dog can go wherever they want

Common Guidelines: when the dog is wearing his vest - ignore the dog, do not pet the dog, and please do not to ask if you can touch or feed the dog.

Professor Murphy described his job as a dog trainer like being a foster parent. This (hopefully) will make it easier when he has to give up Sebastian. One of the students at the presentation informed us that guide dogs cost about $20,000. Most of the time hearing and sight foundations will help to offset these costs. Adopting a guide dog can be frustrating because the waiting list is long. Prof. Murphy was very thankful to the school administration, staff and students for letting him bring Sebastian to class with him.
Training Sebastian is a "good thing" and we thank Professor Dan Murphy for sharing his experience with us.


Chris Mailhoit said...

What a great dog. I don't think I could raise a puppy that I would have to give away though.